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Essay Database > Literature > English
Creatine Information Creatine is a naturally occurring metabolite found in muscle tissue.It plays an important role in energy metabolism, and ATP reformulating. Muscle soreness, lactate build up, and fatigue are a direct result of depleted ATP store. Creatine replenishes ATP stores, thus prolonging time to fatigue. Creatine also increases available instant energy, increases muscular strength, improves endurance, and reduces levels of metabolic byproducts such as ammonia (Ammonia is produced at high levels during intense …

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…body mass, I recommend 15 to 25 g per day for 1 to 3 months. Although many athletes cycle on or off creatine, no study has determined whether this practice promotes greater gains in fat free mass or performance than continuous use. More research is needed here. Creatine supplements are good value. Creatine is now being sold for as little as US$30 per kg, or about $0.60 per day when taking 20 g per day. Popular sports drinks are more expensive.