procrastination is good

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Procrastination is the key to success The literal definition of procrastinating is, to put off intentionally the doing of something that should be done; to postpone or delay. I personally am a procrastinator as are most of my friends. When I start an essay more than a week before it is due, I can never think of a quality topic to write about. If I wait until one or two days before, that is when …

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…because it makes the next day go by faster. That is extremely good if there is school that day. Homework is easier when you procrastinate. Procrastination is good, even though many people do not realize it. It is less stressful to wait than it is to start early. Better results are produced by a procrastinator. They are usually some of the better students. Why worry about it, let the ideas come to you, just procrastinate.