presidential election of 2000

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Each of the candidates for President and Vice-President has specific experience and numerous accomplishments that aid in decision-making for voters. Al Gore graduated with honors from Harvard University in 1969. Later in that year, he voluntarily enlisted in the United States Army to go to Vietnam as a military journalist. In May of 1971, he returned from Vietnam. After that, he attended the Vanderbilt Univ.Grad School of Religion from 1971 until 1972. Later, he attended Vanderbilt University Law …

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…Governor Bush supported this drilling, Vice-President Gore adamantly opposed it. While Vice-President Gore has been a long time advocate of strict restrictions concerning gun control, Governor Bush?s perspective on the issue differs greatly. He believes that United States citizens that have proven themselves responsible enough to bear arms, a right dictated in the constitution, should be allowed to do so. In his opinion, the regulation of firearms should be left to the individual states.