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Essay Database > Science & Technology
RUNNING HEAD: Post-modern black family Post-modernism and the Black Family John Jay College Deliwe Kekana In recent years, multiculturalism, tolerance and political correctness have been integrated into how American society thinks. America seems to be trying to learn more about the ingredients of her melting pot. These efforts can be best understood by examining post-modernism. Post-modernism is especially important to breaking down stereotypes such as those that exist surrounding the black family. To understand post-modernism …

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…Survey, Racial Statistics Branch, Population. Retrieved February 24, 2001 from the World Wide Web: United States. Census Bureau (1999) Statistical Abstract of the United States. Retrieved February 8, 2001 from the World Wide Web: United States. Census Bureau (1993) Black Americans: A profile. Retrieved February 15, 2001 from the World Wide Web: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**