post traumatic stress syndrome

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a reaction in which people who are diagnosed with have no control of. It is an emotional reaction to a shocking or disturbing event that a person has experienced (Bully,1). These are just some of the events that have caused PTSD: military combat, natural or human-caused disasters, accidents and any kind of personal assault. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has also been known to be called shell shock or battle …

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…on how bad the experience was for that person (Biology,4). Mr. Rojack did not do the sick things he did because he was that kind of man, he did those things because he did not know any better and really did not have that much control over what he did. If someone would have just noticed for a second what was going on with him then none of the things that happened would have happened.