post colonial view of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness

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Essay Database > Literature > English
JOSEPH CONRAD:"HEART OF DARKNESS" > >Most of Joseph Conrad's work was based with a sea background as he himself >was a seaman rising from the rank of an ordinary seaman to the position of a >Master was during this period that he undertook a voyage into the >Belgian Congo and the scenario of "HEART OF DARKNESS".In 1888 the world >newspapers were filed with dramatic reports fron the Congo and East >Africa.Arfica affected …

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…in a way,as he is not only hiding the truth from her but >also from himself.He is not able to come to terms with what he has seen and >experienced rather he would conclude it to be a "Bad Dream" > Eventually the "Heart Of >Darkness" is soul searching beacon explaining the pit falls of open-ended >colonialism which rather than achieving its goals of salvation ends up in a >pile of misconceptions and contadictions. >