police brutality

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Pages: 7
(approximately 235 words/page)

Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Police brutality is a problem in our country today. There are many instances where the police have gone too far in dealing with criminals. There are many things that people are doing to stop police brutality. More and more bad cops are being caught in their wrong doings. There are many cases that go unseen. The police are good at keeping things quiet. They have a code of honor that says that police do not …

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…beating cameras have been installed into many patrol cars. This way the police will think twice before trying to abuse their power. I believe that there needs to be more done to stop police brutality. The video cameras in the interrogation rooms and in police cars are a good idea, but many times when a brutality case goes to trial the police are acquitted. This is because they have the courts to back them up.