plant evolution

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Plant Evolution A long 3000 million years ago the earth was not suitable for life as the atmosphere contained little to no oxygen and without this, deadly ultra violet rays from the sun bombarded the unprotected surface. This lead to life beginning in the ocean where it was safe from the sun's rays. It was here that life began with bacteria and small microscopic plants, called algae. Algae is the worlds oldest known fossil. Found in …

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…ago, some of Asia's plants began colonising suitable parts of Australia. As they were not adapted to dry conditions, the only suitable conditions for them were wet coastal areas of the north and parts of the tropical rainforest of Queensland. These immigrants included many new species of palms, paperback trees, ferns, vines, and mangroves. So over the millions of years the earth has been evolving, so have the plant species that we now live among.