physical geography of china

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Essay Database > History
Geography: China is the third largest country in the world, which is slightly larger in area than the Uni Chain is located in Central and East Asia. China is bounded by Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan to the north, North Korea, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea to the east, the South China Sea, the Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, India, Bhutan and Nepal to the south as well as India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, …

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…as the authorities sought to prevent commemoration of the June 1989 massacre; police detained pro-democracy campaigners and tried to force them to sign statements promising that they would not attempt to commemorate the victims of the massacre. AI continued to call for an amnesty to be granted to all those still imprisoned in connection of adequate safeguards for defence. It also continued to call on the authorities to account for all those killed in the 1989 massacre.