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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
- - PHOTOSYNTHESIS General Info Defn: 'To make with light' Reactants (Ingredients) CO2, H2O, Sunlight, chlorophyll Products Food (C6H12O6 = glucose) and O2 Overall Reaction Photosynthesis is actually a series of two reactions. Light reactions (require sunlight) chlorophyll uses sunlight to split water and form oxygen and chemical energy. Dark reactions (don't require light) use chemical energy from light reaction to convert carbon dioxide into glucose. Where does photosynthesis take place? Structure of a …

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…steps of respiration is now 4 for one glucose molecule. Electron Transport System Hydrogen's are grabbed by a molecule called Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD), and carried to the proteins of the electron transport system. Hydrogen atoms are striped of their electrons and the electrons are sent through a series of reactions. As electron is passed from one molecule to another in the electron transport chain, energy is generated. Chemical Overview: 17 times more productive than anaerobic respiration.