personality analysis

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Lee D. is a young male in his early twenties; he is of Cape Verdean ancestry, a country that greatly differs from the United States. He has extreme authoritarian parents who implemented various forms of what Americans would define as abuse but in their culture is okay. He is the first-born; his sister is 8 years younger than him. He grew up in Scituate, MA, a place where there is surprisingly, a high Creole population. His …

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…related inferiority complexes to two different forms of parenting. These are: pampering and neglect. Lee’s parents seem to have neglected him. What makes Lee’s situation unique is that, in his culture, this treatment is okay and is assumed by almost everyone. One way that Lee’s situation differs from Adler’s views is his thoughts on birth order. Lee is the first-born but he received far less attention than his sister ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**