penlopes control

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Everyone wants control. There is this notion that exists deep down in people that some minds thrive to obtain control over others. This could be for a verity of reasons. Some need it because they have a dominant personality, some because of their insecurities, others because they are used to the respect and power that is associated with it. In The Odyssey, Penelope clearly represents the last need. She has to deal with the suitors …

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…want to become a wallflower, needing to control others is not predictable. You cannot control the will of another human, you can have an effect on their opinions, but you can never have total control them. You can however control yourself. If you can maintain power over yourself, if you can stay true to your self and loyal to what you believe in then you will have all the control that you need. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**