paul's role in the development of christianity

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
The Apostle Paul is known as the greatest missionary of the early church. Paul, who once vowed to wipe out belief in Jesus Christ, was later converted to do the work of Christ. He would author almost half of the 27 books in the New Testament. He endured sickness, rejection, and repeated attacks on his life to bring the message of God's grace and forgiveness to Gentiles. Paul was the apostle largely responsible for the solid …

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…the great fire in the city. Nero ordered all the Christians to be arrested and killed. While in Nicopolis in 67 AD, a Roman officer recognized the Apostle Paul as a leader of the Christian faith. Paul was arrested and sent to Rome. Paul's long and illustrious life greatly influenced the spread of Christianity. His zealous for Christ's work led many to follow in his footstep. He will be remembered as the Missionary to the Gentiles.