owen meany

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the novel written by John Irvin, A Prayer for Owen Meany, the protagonist, Owen Meany is portrayed an image which exhibits an unusual form of God through his actions and words. Owen Meany spoke and contributed in numerous ways to inform others of God, demonstrated characteristics, that proves his existence is more than special and for a purpose, and also visualized occurrences of many key future events. Firstly, as Owen grew up, he began …

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…qualities, which helped prove him as an instrument of God. Owen helped and informed others of God, realized his destiny and purpose, and also visualized future event, including his faith. Taking these three characteristics into effect, we can now resolve that Owen is not an average being, and was created for a purpose. Taking this all into effect, it can be determined that Owen was a figure of God, through his gifted abilities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**