of mice and men

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"Of Mice and Men" is a play written by John Steinbeck that focuses on life during the mid 1930's. This play has many recurring themes, and one of these themes is that of loneliness. This loneliness is because of the intolerance of society on those who are different. The underlying, yet stunningly obvious, theme of loneliness can be found in many characters with many examples. This loneliness due to isolation and intolerance is found in …

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…short stories, several plays, and some nonfiction . He won the Nobel prize for literature in 1962.2 John Steinbeck was born February 27, 1902, in Salinas, California. Salinas is in a fertile agricultural valley about 25 miles from the Pacific Coast. His childhood was spent in California near Monterey. The Salinas area provided the setting for most of his fiction. He was an intelligent, sensitive boy and spent much time exploring nature.3 His parents were of German and Irish parentage.