oediphus the king

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Oedipus the King Oedipus the King starts in the legend where Oedipus, king of Thebes, is trying get rid of the plague in his city. Oedipus sends Creon to the oracles at Delphi to get the answer to the city's problems. Creon is away for a long time, and he returns with Teiresias, the blind prophet. They repeat the oracles' statement: the plague will end only when Laios' murderer is discovered. Sophocles tells the events …

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…tells the audience that if the holy oracles and prophecy are proved wrong, then the gods themselves may be suspect (this would be an earth-shaking concept for the Greeks). Second, the Chorus tells the audience that anyone who questions the holy oracles and prophecy should be doubted as well. Third, the Chorus tells the audience that men are blind to the truth of oracles and prophecy because they no longer have faith in the gods.