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Essay Database > Literature > English
In Webster's Dictionary, a hero is defined as a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of purpose, especially if this individual has risked or sacrificed his life. It can also be used in reference to a mythological or legendary figure, often of divine ancestry, who is favored by the gods, endowed with great courage and strength, and celebrated for his bold exploits. War or dangerous adventure is the hero's normal occupation. In my opinion, …

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…smarter and much nobler. He showed nobility by tricking Achilles, fighting bravely, and enduring many hardships to get back to his family. A hero is one who exhibits courage and honor. It is a person who puts the interest of others ahead of their own. This is what a hero is and if we all lived by this code of honor, then I think that the world would be a much better place. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**