ocean pollutants

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Pollution in our oceans is a serious problem. According to Marie Wild in her article "Ocean Pollution", "Ocean pollution is one of the major killers of our sea animals.". Most of the waste that is dumped is plastic, which takes hundreds of years to break down (Oceanic Research Foundation [ORF]). Everyday millions of animals are caught in fishing nets and six pack beer rings. It is thought that only fish are affected from getting caught …

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…of organisms with nourishment. Unfortunately there are many toxic substances which are affected only slowly or not at all, by this and other processes. These are called persistent and are of great environmental concern. All of these things are polluting our oceans and slowly killing organisms that are vital to the environment. There are things that can be done to help save our oceans and if we don't start soon it may be too late.