notes on Jackie RObinson

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
When Jackie Robinson ran out onto Brooklyn's Ebbets Field to play his first game in the major leagues, many Americans were shocked. The grandson of a slave, Jackie was the first African American to play for a major league baseball team in the Twentieth Century. Last year, Jackie Robinson again captured the imagination and hearts of millions of Americans as the nation celebrated the 50th anniversary of his historic first game in the majors. President …

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…Jackson looked to him for guidance. Fifty years have passed since Robinson first set foot on Ebbets Field in Brooklyn, and to many people today he is more a legend than a person. The baseball team at his alma mater, UCLA, plays in Jackie Robinson Stadium. Major league baseball's rookies of the year take home the Jackie Robinson Award. But Robinson the man seems to have become lost in the shadow of R ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**