northern ireland

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Essay Database > History
The struggle for peace in Northern Ireland is not a new concept, for the past four hundred years the Catholics have continued to battle the Protestants for the land, which was taken from them so long ago. Despite the war's longevity, the twentieth century has, for the most part, seen the worst of the conflict. The civil wars and guerrilla tactics of the 1900's produced much bloodshed and have further divided the people of Northern …

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…longevity, the twentieth century has, for the most part, seen the worst of the conflict. The civil wars and guerrilla tactics of the 1900's produced much bloodshed and have further divided the people of Northern Ireland. It is imperative that these two groups resolve their differences and come together to make a stronger, united Ireland in the years to come. Unfortunately peace seems unlikely in a country with a history of such hatred. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**