naturalsm vs realism

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Naturalism is an offshoot of realism. Although they are related, they are indeed different. Naturalism presents a deterministic view of man's life and actions, while realism is the way things appear or might appear to be. We see examples of naturalism in Stephen Crane's "The Open Boat" and also in his short story, "The Blue Hotel". "The Blue Hotel" is a story of three men who arrived at a hotel during a snowstorm. Mr. Scully, …

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…help of an old man, the men beat the ocean and made it safely to shore. As for the Swede, he was not as fortunate. He was determined to have a drink with a man in a bar who did not wish to drink with him. Angered by this he grabbed the man's throat and the man stabbed him to death. The Swede's actions of fighting and acts of violence had caused him his life.