native sob

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John Lacy Native Son Our nation was founded on the ideology of personal freedom. However, our nation was hypocritical when it enslaved the African American race for economic growth. African Americans have had to struggle and fight their way to equality ever since. Richard Wright has been an advocate for equal rights by equal opportunity and has exemplified the struggle for equal rights of African Americans through his depiction of Bigger Thomas in Native Son, …

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…those of everyday life and are quintessential to most members in society. Wright's novel will go down in history as the first African American novel written not to appease the white or black communities but to give insight into the real oppression of blacks in America. Works Cited "Native Son Main Themes". Classic Notes. 20 Apr. 2001. Wright, Richard. "How "Bigger" Was Born". The Saturday Review of Literature. 1 June 1940. Wright, Richard. Native Son. Harper Perennial, 1940. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**