napsters problem

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
The Problem with Napster The sole reason behind anybody's discrepency with Napster is because there is a group, maybe even the majority its users abuse what it is capable of. They (they being college students and others with high-bandwidth connections [T1, cable modems & DSL]) are using Napster to download entire albums and put them on recordable CDs. They don't see this as wrong, merely because they can, "beat the system & get away with it." They …

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…the maximum length album. In effect, the song on the CD is cut short, missing a full minute of one of their shining moments. I was ecstatic to find this and I have Napter to thank. Conclusion Only time and a jury will decide the outcome of the Napster/ lawsuits but if the facts are correctly stated, the RIAA might think twice about trying to control someting that they aren't even entitled to.