The Environmental Concerns of

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
 The Environmental Concerns of the Livestock Industry The United States leads the way in a global trend toward increased meat consumption. The average American consumes almost twice his or her own body weight in meat every year. World meat production has surged nearly fivefold in the last fifty years, from 44 millions tons in 1950, to 211 million tons in 1997. This growing manufacturing of meat for food is creating new pressures on land and water resources, contributing to …

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…reduction of meat consumption is a very unrealistic method of solving the environmental concerns. Improved management strategies at the production level will be key in the quest to protect our environment. The people of the world are not going to suddenly stop eating meat. So it is up to the livestock industry to take responsibility for the harm being caused, and take measures to ensure that our love for meat does not destroy our environment.