music 2

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Music has been known to affect the human body in many ways. It can help me feel calm, deeply relaxed, energized and also awake. It can help a person think clearer and it can also make a person not be able to think at all. Music can even change the way a person feels inside their heart. Music can shift our mood and change the way we think and feel. Music plays roles in different …

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…mainly two purposes, which is entertainment and stress relieving. Most of the time we listen to music to fulfill both purposes. I honestly believe that music can influence and change a person's mind, body, and mood. It can relax them, alert them and even console them. I find myself thinking of the same statement, "Music is a facilitator for bringing physical responses," I don't think that I could find a statement more true than that.