munich massacre

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Munich Massacre As soon as Ilana Romana heard about the situation in Munich, she expected the worst: “I knew who he was. He would not sit quietly. He was not the type. I knew it would end badly.” She spoke of her husband, and, unfortunately, her prediction was correct. Earlier that day, her husband, Yossef, and his teammates were awoken by Arab terrorists beginning an episode that would result in the death of eleven Israeli …

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…S. citizen--murdered by Arafat's PLO terrorists at the 1972 Munich Olympics. This moment of silence was a very small, but important and significant gesture in relation to the suffering caused to the families of the victims. Ironically, Ilana Romana says that she had premonitions of an attack at the Olympic games, but her husband laughed as replied, “Ilana, are you crazy? I’ll be back here in a few weeks; everything’s going to be fine.”