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Essay Database > Science & Technology
An investigation into Hotel Users expectations of The Best Hotel Chain 1. Aims and Objectives 1. To examine what the expectations of hotel users are of The Best Hotel Chain. 2. To identify the factors that effect expectations. 3. To see whether the experience of The Best Hotel Chain is living up to expectations. 2. Overall Research Strategy The phenomenology approach to research focuses on the way that people interpret their world. It is concerned with the context of the …

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…focuses on the way that people interpret their world. It is concerned with the context of the topic being researched, which means that the use of qualitative data is preferred to quantitative data. Using the phenomenology approach for a research strategy According to Remenyi et al (1998), the strongest argument that a phenomenologist could mount is the necessity to discover 'the details of the situation to understand the reality or perhaps a reality working behind them'.