misleading cigarette ads

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ESSAY DETAILS Words: 10699
Pages: 39
(approximately 235 words/page)

Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Abstract Since the late 1970's, requirements to have government health warnings on cigarette advertisements and restrictions by the Advertising Standards Authority on associating smoking with glamorous lifestyle, have been accompanied by the development of surrealist advertising, particularly by Gallaher with their Silk Cut and Benson and Hedges brands. This chapter proposes that elements of the tobacco industry, having long recognised the power of sexuality in advertising, have now tapped into the lure of Freud's counterpoint …

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…been involved with serious and systematic inner quests.... Their ability to enjoy life, particularly the simple pleasures of everyday existence, increased considerably. Deep reverence for life and ecological awareness are among the most frequent consequences of the psychospiritual transformation that accompanies ... spiritual emergence.... It is my belief that a movement in the direction of a fuller awareness of our unconscious minds will vastly increase our chances for planetary survival. If the tobacco companies have helped