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Essay Database > Literature > English
George Orwell was not only a writer, but also an important political reformer. Orwell was born in India in 1903. He considered his family a "lower-middle class" family. He said this because his family was a part of the middle class, but had little money. His father worked for the British government and was able to be apart of the middle class without money. Orwell lived in Britain and went to boarding school there on scholarships. …

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…give away personal information are in danger of losing their privacy. Uneducated people can easily be misled and watched on the Internet. In 1984, the "proles", or the uneducated common people are controlled because they don't know any better. The "Big Brother" misleads them and is able to watch their thoughts. Orwell tries to warn his readers of this type of government. 1984 is not a prediction of the future, but a warning to avoid totalitarian tendencies.