mind and body therapies

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Mind-Body Therapies The mind and body are so completely connected that physical activities such as yoga and dance have healthful effects not only on the body but also on mental ailments such as depression and anxiety. Conversely, mental approaches such as hypnosis and imagery benefit physical problems such as hypertension and immune deficiency. Having an understanding of the mind-body connection helps us to see why CAM interventions prove helpful in the treatment of depression. For …

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…and Aromatherapy. San Rafael, Calif.: New World Library. Wu, H. & Luo, D. (1984). Chinese medicine: A comprehensive review of medicine in the People's Republic of China. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Yang, X., Liu, X., Luo, H. & Jia, Y. (1994). Clinical observation on needling extrachannel points in treating mental depression. Journal of Traditional Chinese medicine, 14(1), 14-8 Young, R., Haskett, R., Murphy-Weinburg, S., Watson, S., & Akil, H. (1991). Loss of glucocorticoid fast feedback in depression. Archives of General Psychiatry, 48, 693.