michael jordan

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn, New York. Michael Jordan was born with a nosebleed, which made the parents, James and Deloris Jordan, very worried as well as some of the doctors. He was kept in the hospital for several days until everyone realized it was very minor and had no effect on his health. His childhood was very tough growing up in a poor North Carolinian city, and Michael was very …

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…made the team next year. This is one thing I admire from Michael Jordan, although there are many others. I chose Michael Jordan because I was always a big fan of his, coming from Chicago, and whenever I saw him play a game, I noticed he was the most dedicated and hardworking player out there. I loved his game and wanted to find out more about him, and in reading this book, I did indeed.