mexican immigration

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Essay Database > Literature > English
There has been a large debate lately over immigration into the United States from Mexico. In 1993, 904,292 legal immigrants entered the United States and of these, 301,380 were from Latin America (Duignan and Gann, 4). It is estimated that an additional 1.2 million immigrants enter illegally each year from Mexico, creating problems for the states in which they reside and the taxpayers. I want to focus on the ways that the immigrants help and hurt the economy, job market …

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…control immigration. Illegal immigration needs to be controlled and the number of legal immigrants allowed needs to be restricted until communities can keep up with the population growth. Immigrants perform many important roles in society such as working low wage jobs to keep prices low and sharing cultural diversity with others. Until immigration is controlled, immigrants and native born Americans need to learn to live in their current situations the best way that they can.