mexican american gangs

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Mexican-American Gangs: The Other Side of the Tracks Origin Originally the word gang did not have a negative meaning. In Old English, a gang can be defined in four basic ways: 1) an organized group with a leader, 2) a unified group that usually remains together during peaceful times as well as times of conflict, 3) a group whose members show unity through clothing language, etc., and 4) a group whose activities are criminal or threatening to the larger …

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…conflicts. Gangs can often be recognized by appearances or certain characteristics that make them noticeable. Gangs are sometimes affiliated with certain colors, hairstyles such as shaved or dyed hair, clothes that may be excessively big and baggy, bandannas are sometimes worn on the head or tied on a limb of the gang member, tattoos representing the name of the gang or street number they call their turf, hand signals and gang-slang, and many others traits.