metabolic costs of generating force

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ENERGETCS OF BIPEDAL RUNNING 1. METABOLIC COST OF GENERATING FORCE Summary Similarly sized bipeds and quadrupeds use nearly the same amount of metabolic energy to run, despite dramatic differences in morphology and running mechanics. It has been shown that the rate of metabolic energy use in quadrupedal runners and bipedal hoppers can be predicted from just body weight and time available to generate force as indicated by the foot ground contact. We tested whether this link …

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…proportion to body weight, Wb -0.31 (Taylor et al. 1982). References ALEXANDER, R. MCN. , JAYES, A.S., MALOIY, G. M. O. AND WATHUTA, E.M. (1981). Allometry of the leg muscles of Mammals. J.zool., Lond. 194, 539-552 BARNAY, M. (1967). ATPase activity of myosin correlated With speed of muscle shortening. J. Gen. Physiol. 50, 197-218. BIEWENER, A. A. (1983). Allometry of quadrupedal locomotion: the scaling of duty factor, bone curvature and limb orientation to body size. J. exp. Biol. 105, 147-171