merchant of venice

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Story Overview Whenever Bassanio needed money he would go to his older friend Antonio, a wealthy Venetian merchant. Now Bassanio needed a sizable loan for a certain "enterprise." When questioned concerning this enterprise, Bassanio admitted he had fallen in love with Portia, a wealthy and famous lady. Unless Bassanio had money, he could never hope to compete with the myriad of rich noblemen and princes who vied for Portia's favor. Antonio would have gladly supplied …

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…since he insisted on the letter of the law, he must have it. Now it was Shylock who pled for mercy. The court decided to spare his life, but to confiscate his lands (reserving half for his daughter after his death) and to force him to adopt Christianity. Shylock slumped from the courtroom, humiliated and bitter. Jubilant, Antonio and his friends were soon made aware of Portia's cunning disguise. All returned to Belmont, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**