mental ilnesses (BPD)

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Borderline Personality Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is one of the most controversial diagnoses in psychology today. Since it was first introduced in the DSM, psychologists and psychiatrists have been trying to give the somewhat amorphous concepts behind BPD a concrete form. Kernberg's explication of what he calls Borderline Personality Organization is the most general, while Gunderson, though a psychoanalyst, is considered by many to have taken the most scientific approach to defining BPD. The …

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…have a problem recreating or remembering feelings of love that were present between themselves and the other. Often, BPD patients want to keep something belonging to the loved one around during separations. * They frequently have difficulty tolerating aloneness, even for short periods of time. * Their lives may be a chaotic landscape of job losses, interrupted educational pursuits, broken engagements, hospitalizations. * Many have a background of childhood physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or physical/emotional neglec