masai tribe

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Essay Database > History
Masai Tribe The Masai have always been different from other African tribes. Their bright red robes set them apart visually. With a spear in hand, they are calm and courageous regardless of the danger. The armed British troops who drove the Masai from their lands in the late 19th century had a great respect for the Masai. In common with the wildlife with which they co-exist, the Masai need a lot of land. Unlike many …

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…as food, or something that destroys their crops, the Masai and their herds co-exist with the wildlife. This peaceful co-existence creates the potential for a form of low-impact tourism where some tribes, like that of Kuku Group Ranch, benefit in that they are able to retain their land in a natural state, generate some income to improve their nutrition and education of their children, and at the same time preserve their traditional ways and dignity.