martin luther king jr

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Essay Database > Literature > English
 One of the world's best known advocates of non-violent social change strategies, Martin Luther King, Jr., synthesized ideas drawn from many different cultural traditions. Born in Atlanta on January 15, 1929, King's roots were in the African- American Baptist church. He was the grandson of the Rev. A. D. Williams, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist church and a founder of Atlanta's NAACP chapter, and the son of Martin Luther King, Sr., who succeeded Williams as Ebenezer's pastor and …

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…only weapons against discrimination and duality because there remains a society to be held accountable. The air is still fouled with collective bigotry and ignorance. Doors are still closed, as are minds, and applicants for the dream are still too often denied on the basis of errant and malefic presumption. Thus is the dream disturbed, time and time again, and never finished. As with the murdered Dr. King, the dreamer never finds out how the