martin luther king

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Essay Database > History
At the eye of this hurricane of turmoil was a man named Martin Luther King, Jr., who preached non-violent civil disobedience as a means of opening the way for blacks to obtain the rights and liberties guaranteed to all citizens of the United States. King was an effective communicator and motivator, and by 1968, he was winning the hearts and minds more and more Americans on both sides of the color line. His efforts successfully merged …

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…and sausages" man, because he started showing up shortly before the assassination and always ordered eggs and sausages. On April 4, 1968, the "eggs and sausages" man ate his usual fare, paid his tab and left the cafe. A few minutes later, King lay dying. Police picked up the "eggs and sausages" man for questioning after diners at the cafe reported what had happened, but he was never booked on suspicion of being involved with King's death.