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Essay Database > Literature > English
"Marriage may be compared to a cage: the birds outside despair to get in and those within despair to get out."-Michel De Montaigne The question that stands before us today is as follows, "is marriage a viable institution in the twenty-first century." The answer to this question is an unwavering yes. Marriage has never ceased to be a viable institution. What has changed is the way that people look at this tradition. The Webster's …

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…away. It is time to start holding people responsible for their actions; we need to make it clear to our youth that marriage is a sacred union not to be taken lightly. We need to make divorce more difficult and more costly. Require counseling before the union can be dissolved and move away from the days of no-fault divorces and into the days were there is a clear fault and an ever-clearer repercussion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**