man haters

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Outline I. Introduction A. The movement B. Theisis statement II. The three types of people that have contributed mostly to the success of the movement A. Man haters 1. Eradication 2. Their own words B. Exploiters 1. Motives 2. Example: Al Gore C. Innocence 1. Who are the innocence III. Man A. Instinct B. Intrinsic value IV. Conclusion 651 Nature: value not included; requires man There is a growing movement sweeping the western world. It is supported by an alarming number …

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…Gore on water. Online. Demand an end to the destruction. Green Peace. Online. Earth in the Balance, Environmentalism is becoming the new religion of the world. Online. ( New Environmentalism. Reason Public Policy group. Online. ( PNGV. Online. The Sierra Club. Online. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**