lord of the flies
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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Reading Lord of the Flies, one gets quite an impression of Golding's view on human nature. He believes that man is inherently evil and that it is the bounds of society that keep us from reverting to our natural state. This image Golding paints for the reader, that of humans being inherently bad, is a perspective not all people share. This opinion, in fact, is a point that many have disagreed with when reading his
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consciousness, thus has the ability to choose. This also applies to good and bad actions. If one does mostly good actions, they might be considered good. If one does mostly bad actions, they might be considered bad. This should be kept in mind when thinking about human nature, rather than some twisted concept of everyone being uncontrollably bad. We as humans are born pure and virtuous but society corrupts us into being flagitious and baneful.
consciousness, thus has the ability to choose. This also applies to good and bad actions. If one does mostly good actions, they might be considered good. If one does mostly bad actions, they might be considered bad. This should be kept in mind when thinking about human nature, rather than some twisted concept of everyone being uncontrollably bad. We as humans are born pure and virtuous but society corrupts us into being flagitious and baneful.