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Essay Database > Science & Technology
According to the Cancer Book from the American Cancer Society, Leukemia is a cancer of the blood. It was first identified as a new disease in around 1830 in Germany. The scientific term, "leukemia," comes from the Greek words that mean "white blood." The disease is described as a cancerous disorder not just of the blood itself, but also of the organs that produce the blood cells in the body. The organs are mainly the bone …

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…and antibiotics as needed" (387). In the bone marrow transplantation, the donor's cell is to develop into new healthy cells in the sick patient's body. According to the Cancer Book, great progress has been make over the last thirty years in treating the disease. An increasing number of patients are cured. Although the process of treatment is long and produces painful illnesses, but rate of success in remission and other methods are worthwhile for most patients.