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Essay Database > History
Of all the oil-producing Arab countries of the Middle East, Kuwait was the first one whose entire population came to benefit from its vast petroleum reserves. Many of these reserves lie along its border with Iraq. Kuwait lies at the northeastern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, on the shore of the Persian Gulf. Like Iraq, which borders it on the north and northwest, and Saudi Arabia, on the south and southwest, Kuwait has a Muslim …

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…however, when petroleum was discovered in the Neutral Zone shared with Saudi Arabia and, a few years later, in northern Kuwait. In the early 1960s a Japanese petroleum company discovered commercial quantities of offshore petroleum in Kuwaiti waters. Natural gas is utilized by the Kuwait National Petroleum Company's refinery at Ash Shu`aybah. Crude petroleum and petroleum products account for about 90 percent of Kuwait's exports. Less than 1 percent of the economy is based on agriculture.