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Essay Database > History
The big responsibility of cleansing the United States of people that are different, different being anyone who is not a white Aryan Christian, has been placed upon the Ku Klux Klan. The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) takes it upon themselves to take part in ethnic cleansing. The KKK will not speak out and come to agreements on peaceful terms. Instead, they feel they must wreak havoc, and carnage to those who they feel need it. …

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…were ready to put them in their place. A whole police force was mobilized to get rid of threats on various occasion. There was a rare occurrence of KKK outbreaks in Nashville, the victims of the Klan were safe here at least safer than they were previously. The Klan managed on average at least one lynching every now and then in Nashville. A black man is never safe as long as the Klan is around.