johnny got his gun

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Johnny Got His Gun is by Dalton Trumbo. The main character is Joe Bonham. He went to war in the 1917. While there he got his arms, legs, and face blown up; he was a "living piece of meat". The doctors thought that there was no feeling, no thought in his body. However, they were wrong, but they let him live with no sense of time and not being able to see, hear, speak, smell, or …

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…him die so he could live without the pain and agony of not dying in many years, when he gets "old and gray". They took away a man's will to survive though technology in medicine. And they took away the right he had to freely die because of an experiment that they thought would prove to be a good test or how to keep the meat alive on isolation and anger of the outside world.