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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > History
Unemployment has always been a problem in our society. The current unemployment rate in Ontario is approximately six percent. This percentage does not usually fluctuate very much, unless there is some dramatic incident that affects the whole economy, like inflation for example. There are numerous causes of unemployment that economists around the world have came up with. However, I will describe the most important ones that are relevant to Canada. The biggest reason for unemployment,
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One example of this introduction is of microcomputer in small business, or the use of robots for automobile production. This will likely reduce the rate of hiring. The obvious effect of this, like any other unemployment type, is aggravating local unemployment. These are some particular cause and effect situations that happen in a cyclical manner. The degree of which it affects the society plays a large part in whether or not our economy is stable.
One example of this introduction is of microcomputer in small business, or the use of robots for automobile production. This will likely reduce the rate of hiring. The obvious effect of this, like any other unemployment type, is aggravating local unemployment. These are some particular cause and effect situations that happen in a cyclical manner. The degree of which it affects the society plays a large part in whether or not our economy is stable.