jewish immigration

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Megan Chuderewicz Composition II Immigration Paper Jewish Immigration: An Ethnic Struggle Many different social and ethnic groups have migrated to America to start new lives. The Jewish people, like other ethnic groups had to struggle to achieve the most out of life. Not only did they come here as aliens to this country, but they also had to endure treacherous living quarters, rise above religious and ethnic prejudice, adapt to unfair social conditions, and customize …

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…a white woman was about $21,000 in 1990 (Gold 10). The census also showed that recently arrived Jews, especially refugees from the former USSR made much less in 1990 than those immigrants with longer tenure in the United States. The Jewish race through hard work and togetherness rose above all negative barriers that tried to defeat them. They molded themselves into a solid productive group of people that are now, for the most part, successful and happy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**