jeffersonian democracy

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Thomas Jefferson supported the territorial expansion of the U.S., for the progress and successful domination of the Western Hemisphere by a Republican, agrarian society. Thomas Jefferson held firmly to the belief that this domination would occur naturally and function in balance, with the absence of governmental interference, resembling the laws of supply and demand. The U.S., he believed would become a nation of yeoman farmers only by expanding and utilizing the vast expanse …

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…economic and political reasons. Population surges are directly related to the mass arrivals of immigrants. These immigrants aided greatly in the economy by supplying low-income labor, fueling an expanding nation. The early belief of Thomas Jefferson was for a nation that would function in balance and imitate the laws of supply and demand. Events would unfold in a natural cause and effect progression leading to the expansion of the territories in the west. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**