jane eyre

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Charlotte Bronte was born in 1816, the third daughter of Rev. Patrick Bronte and his wife Maria. In 1824 the four eldest Bronte daughters were enrolled as pupils at the Clergy Daughter's School at Cowan Bridge. The following year Maria and Elizabeth, the two eldest daughters, left the school and died. Charlotte and Emily were brought home. In 1831 Charlotte became a pupil at the school at Roe Head, but she left school the following year to teach …

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…and society that she lives in prevents these things from ever really being attainable to her. She acknowledges this fact, and accepts servitude as her destiny in life, not as an inferior slave being but as a recognized individual with a real use and service to someone in need. What Jane desires most is a sense of purpose, appreciation, care and love, which she fulfills when she finally ends up with Rochester, her soul mate.